Sunday, October 18, 2009

Legacy of a Lifetime

I have had the pleasure and responsibility of mentoring staff, managers and leaders from a variety of industries. One of the survival tools I share with them is "The Feel Good File". I have to thank my teaching mentor, Mary Pirrung, for this legacy of giving. She taught me that even on our worst days, we will have people to be thankful for. She encouraged me to keep every positive note received from a parent, student, or colleague. Mary said that I would have days, when I just wouldn't seem to be able to make things right for the people around me. She said when those days come, simly open up that special file, and read each and every note and card, starting with the first one I would receive, to the last one I had gotten. Beginning with my first official, full-time teaching position in 1983, I began my own "Feel Good File" - it's the best advice I have ever had and have had the vision to take.

I can clearly remember the first card I received that went into my feel good file. It was from the parent of a 7th grade student whom I had supported throughout her daughter's hospitialization and treatment for leukemia. I drove to the hospital on a weekly basis to bring homework, help her where I could in all of her subjects, and bring news of her classmates. When the girl was able to go home, I continued bringing her work and cheer, until she could finally return to school. She had lost her hair from the radiation treatment and her leg to the cancer. But she never lost her spirit. Her mom told me that although her daughter had received cards and flowers at the beginning of her illness, everyone except me and the girl's best friend had ceased corresponding and visiting.

I knew all this, because of conversations I'd had with the mom after her daughter returned to school. She thanked me in person, but it was her simple, personalized card that really made the difference in my perspective. The card read, "You have been more than a teacher - you have been our friend. For that we are forever grateful." I have kept in touch with this family throughout the years and just last year received photos of my former student's child. While our correspondence has tended toward the electronic, it was the original card and subsequent letters, photos and cards I received in the mail over time that I've kept. My "Feel Good File" is very fat! It has been suggested that I get a new file, as the old one is getting tattered. Or that I "organize the cards" in a scrabbook. My file, just the way it is, will go with me to every position I hold, whether at a school. company, or a home office. It is one of the first items I unpack when going to a new job, and the last thing I take with me, always sure to add to it the cards and notes I recieve from well-wishers upon leaving.

Focus on Giving and you will create a Legacy of a Lifetime!